So, yeah, I haven't updated and I suck. I just haven't felt very interesting. Which is not to say that I haven't had stuff going on, but nothing that I felt was worth sharing with the Whole of the Internet (except the Painful and Embarrassing Result of Trying to Maintain a Certain Level of Personal Grooming, but we shall not speak of that here. Or, preferably, anywhere. Ever.)
The house stuff is kicking my ass. We've had a relatively stress-free experience up until the past two and a half weeks. Now, a bajillion things have gone wrong, or needed extra attention, or needed us to reiterate a decision. I am still trying to figure out WTF our builder is doing to earn their 16% markup, because I've done all of the scheduling, following-up, checking in, and question answering for all the vendors in the past month. Supposedly, they are putting lights in today. The hard floors are all down, and they look very pretty. The fireplace guy was supposed to be here this week, but hasn't shown, so now I have to call him to figure out what his deal is.
The Small Child is exhausting. She is funny, but is in the annoying-but-necessary stage of flipping the fuck out over every.little.thing. that prevents her from asserting her independence. I recognize that I will WANT her to be more independent in say, 30 weeks or so, but right now, a 45-minute diva-fest every morning because she can't get her socks on "the right way" isn't high on my list of ways I'd like to be spending my time.
The Work Boyfriend is on vacation, and therefore, not regaling me with amusing stories or charming anecdotes. The Work Boyfriend is seriously talking about transferring to a location of the Iconic American Company which is in closer proximity to my own. This makes me uncertain about the future of The Work Boyfriend relationship, since one of the major rules is that no one's significant others can feel threatened by the Work Relationship. It is possible that Mrs. Work Boyfriend and I would become fast friends, and The Weez and Work Boyfriend would golf together on weekends, but. . . experience tells me that probably wouldn't happen.
My job here at the Iconic American Company is somewhat up in the air. I'm moving job functions, but no one knows when, or what exactly I'll be doing when I move. However, it means that my previous preggo wardrobe is entirely inappropriate for the next seven months, and I will be shelling out cash for maternity jeans and casual tops, over and above the cost of furniture, fencing, a deck, and the ginormous snowball of other expenses that are coming with our new house.
So. Yeah. Meh.